Impinj First and Only Provider of One-Time- and Multiple-Time-Programmable Nonvolatile Memory Cores in 90-nanometer Logic CMOS Process

Apr 5, 2007

SEATTLE, WA -- (MARKET WIRE) -- April 5, 2007 -- Leading logic nonvolatile memory (NVM)intellectual property (IP) supplier, Impinj, Inc., today announced theavailability of the company's AEON®/OTP nonvolatile memory (NVM) cores inthe 90-nanometer manufacturing process at Taiwan SemiconductorManufacturing Corporation (TSMC), making Impinj the first and only providerof one-time- and multiple-time-programmable (OTP and MTP) NVM cores inadvanced logic CMOS processes.

Impinj's AEON NVM cores enable the integration of both high-density OTP NVMand MTP NVM into system-chips for greater design flexibility andperformance. Leveraging Impinj's proprietary floating-gate technology, AEONNVM cores provide an alternative to costly embedded Flash memory andcumbersome off-chip EEPROM.

"As semiconductor companies seek new ways to control costs and improvedevelopment cycles, they are focusing on critical success factors such asthe use of high-quality, third-party IP for advanced SoCs," said LarryMorrell, vice president of IP Products at Impinj. "As a supplier of both anOTP product optimized for firmware storage applications and MTP productsdesigned for calibration and configuration storage, Impinj provides thebroadest range of system design options in advanced, low-power CMOSprocesses."

Embedded in more than 300 million chips worldwide, Impinj's AEON NVM coresretain crucial system information even in powered-off electrical devices,such as cell phones, where multiple applications for NVM exist and wheremarket size should exceed one billion units in 2007, according to a recentiSupply report. In addition, Impinj's AEON/MTP products reduce systempower, cost, and size, for power management, wireless, and USB applicationsby embedding configuration data, device or vendor identificationinformation, and two-way handshake IDs. AEON/OTP provides higher densitymemory suitable for firmware storage and mask ROM replacement thatincreases the flexibility and configurability of the design. AEON/OTP andAEON/MTP architectures are compatible with standard logic CMOS processingwith no additional masks or process steps needed, support 10-year dataretention, and include all required high voltage circuitry within the core.AEON/MTP supports 8 bits to 8k bits and features up to 15,000 write/erasecycles as well as selectable word-width capabilities. Available inconfigurations of up to 256k bits, AEON/OTP features advanced testabilitythat supports complete testing of the core circuitry without the need forcostly UV-erase functions.

Leveraging deep semiconductor design and process expertise, Impinj's NVMcores demonstrate the highest levels of performance, reliability, and easeof integration for customers. Impinj NVM cores undergo stringent andwell-documented quality, performance, and manufacturability testing, andare available at the world's leading foundries at 0.25 µm, 0.18 µm, 0.13µm, and 90 nm technology nodes.

To request datasheets and additional information on Impinj's AEON logicNVM, please visit For information aboutImpinj's "Try It Now," six-month, free, IP evaluation program, visit

About Impinj, Inc.

Impinj, Inc. is a semiconductor and RFID company whose patentedSelf-Adaptive Silicon® technology enables two synergistic business lines:high-performance RFID products and semiconductor intellectual property(IP). A leading contributor to the RFID standards for high-volumesupply-chain applications worldwide, Impinj leverages technical expertiseand industry partnerships to deliver the GrandPrix™ solution, comprisingtags, readers, software and systems integration to offer RFID that justworks™. Impinj licenses innovative IP products, core to the company'sRFID tags, to leading semiconductor companies worldwide, allowing them toseamlessly integrate crucial nonvolatile memory (NVM) alongside analog anddigital functionality on a single chip. Impinj's IP products include thepopular AEON® family of embeddable cores, which provide rewriteable NVMtechnology in logic CMOS manufacturing. For more information, visit